Monday, June 22, 2009

A Sudden Friday Night

Last Friday, my Mom asked me to accompany her, getting her medical treatment. So I put on some simple outfit, a Zara tee (one of my favourite, a 100% organic cotton tee *wink*), TheoryX bermuda shorts, a pair of Charles&Keith wedges, and a Celine bag. 

After she had her medical treatment done. We had lunch at Pancious, and went home. At the time when we got home, it was near evening. I was about to take off my clothes and put on a nightgown when my friend, Putri, called. She wanted me to accompany her having some meals in the cafe nearby. I asked for my Mom's permission and she said okay. So I put on a matching shawl (for it was a bit cold at that night), Putri picked me up, and we had a girls friday night out just for two ;)

We had so much fun chattering, and playing around with my D40, creating some manual effects on the images, and we just LOVE the results! :D

accompanied by some bottles of sparkling water

and some calamaris

and that's just how we had fun :)


  1. it's always great to hang out with friends!

  2. So fun! You look lovely and HAPPY!


  3. Your super-sweet, and I always look forward to reading what you'll have to say next. :)

    Thanks for being so beautiful, inside & out! :)


  4. makan di olala yaaaa

    ya sudahh semangat lah kau untuk penelitian ituuu

    kapan2 kita jalan brg lah ma oq

  5. thanks for ur helpful tips yah!
    wow nothing beats good food n good company! Nice effects on the photo! was it a camera trick? : )

  6. i can see your "girls friday night out just for two" is very fun!

    iya aku baru lulus sma. =D
    ntahlah nih, sis... blom daftar kuliah, masih bingung, paling aku ambil fashion design.

    aku ada program magang, tp uda selesai, jd lom ke sana2 lage.
    skrg sih rencana na nglanjutin di panti asuhan saja dulu. =)

    that's right, sis... unique in our very own ways.
    kepala dua? maksud na? (maap lemot XD)

  7. D40 apa ya chik?hehe (oki yg gak ngeti)

    Ah bete bgt sumpah,barusan ni ak br terima some kinda pink ankle shoes yg udah ak tunggu2 dr L****E shop...eeeeeeeh..g taunya jatohnya g enak bgt,bahannya jg yg bikin jelek jadinya. Itu tnp pikir panjang lgsg pgn aku jual lg aja deh.

  8. mampir lage =D
    wanna exchange links?

  9. Fantastic post, and wonderful photos!


  10. Cute photos, love the effect fomr the lighting!
    Beth xx
